API's CF- お客様のご要望に合わせたエビデンスベースの処方設計/製品開発 -


Effective / experienced
How do you make a product?

Academic / Professional
Anxiety without knowledge
Of the best material
I don't know the combination

How to do with other companies
Can you differentiate yourself?

You can solvethat problem with"API's CF"!

healthToEasy-to-understand mechanism of action based on evidence such as academic treatises according to concerns and concepts related to
Visualize and systematize, select materials and ingredients corresponding to each point of action according to customer's request,
It is a service to create "optimal prescription and product design" together with customers and realize highly original product development.

We, Api Co., Ltd., have been in business for over 110 years.
As a health food professional, we have been involved in many OEM / ODM productions.
Dozens of researchers are enrolled in the institute,
Every day, I am engaged in safety research, functional research, analytical chemistry research, academic papers and patent research.
Evidence-based prescription design by specialist researchers for each problem and concept
Furthermore, by combining raw material processing technology and formulation processing technology, we will realize overwhelming originality and the creation of high added value.

At Api Co., Ltd., we will giveshapeto any requestfrom our customers.

PointLeading product development to successThreePoint


(Unique Selling Proposition:独自の強み

After thoroughly collecting academic information on worries and concepts, we will visualize the mechanism of action in an easy-to-understand manner and list the materials and ingredients corresponding to each point of action.
In addition to academic information, we will also pick up the lineup materials of each raw material manufacturer.

Customize for each customer / product

After listening to your request (target gender / age group, selling price range, dosage form, desired material to be blended, assumption of effect experience, etc.), we will assemble the optimal prescription design for each concept.
We will also collect market research data such as consumer trends and trend information and incorporate it into prescription design.

From planning and development to sales support
We will accompany you

Commercialization is rarely decided by a single prescription proposal.
By exchanging opinions at product development meetings, we will improve the degree of perfection. We will modify it as many times as you like until you have the desired prescription. After-sales follow-up such as product information sessions for sales staff and call centers after product launch is also carried out while the dedicated researchers explain in an easy-to-understand manner.

FlowFlow of introduction


Concept (appeal),
Target, selling price,
First of all, such as the release date
Please tell us your request.

Literature search

Your worries,
To the concept
Academic information about
Collect thoroughly.


Easy to understand mechanism of action
Make it visible.

Raw material selection

Corresponds to each point of action
Materials / ingredients

Product design

From prescription to dosage form,
Up to the package
Design in total.


Our researchers
Easy-to-understand explanation
I will explain while.

Trial production·
Various tests

Lab trial, mass production trial
Perform nutritional component test,
Conduct stability tests, etc.
Set the quality standard.

Manufacture and sale

Dietary supplements
Manufactured in a GMP certified factory
Hearing after sale
I will not miss it.

Line-UPlineup (partial excerpt)

The above lineup is an example that we are preparing.
Based on these concepts
Customized for each customer and productTo do.
Even if it is a niche concept or appeal that does not have a base API's CF
It is also possible to design API's CF with full custom order
Therefore, please feel free to contact us using the inquiry form or by phone.

ImageImage of commercialization

SaSupplement shape

Locking, hard capsule, soft capsule
With all dosage forms and sizes
Can be manufactured

Powder formulation

For product concepts and drinking scenes, such as types that are dissolved in water and drunk, and types that are eaten as they are
You can adjust it accordingly.

Beverage type

bottle,Can, PET, blow pack, liquid three-way
From the characteristics, lot, and cost of the liquid inside
You can select.

We offer a wide variety of variations to meet every request.

API's CF x API's SRProposal of crossing

-Exceed customer expectationsHighDesign value-added products. -

Evidence-based academic papers, etc., according to concerns and concepts
It is easier to obtain the effect and experience by "visualizing" the mechanism of action in an easy-to-understand manner.
It is a service that makes the best prescription. Not only new products
We also support the development of version UP of existing products.
Realized prescription design and formulation based on the creation of an original research review (SR).
It is a service that consistently supports up to notification support,
We support the development of flexible foods with functional claims.

FAQFrequently Asked Questions

I want to make a product that is effective / experienced
leave it to me.
By picking up materials and ingredients corresponding to each point of action, and performing evidence-based formulation design and dosage form selection,
We will support the creation of products that are as effective / experienced as possible.
Depending on the content, it is also possible to obtain unique evidence (additive synergistic effect) by combining materials and ingredients.
Please feel free to contact us.
Anxiety without academic / specialized knowledge
leave it to me.
Please be assured that our researchers will explain in an easy-to-understand manner with illustrations and illustrations.
Evidence-based product design is likely to be expensive
Please choose for me.
API's CF can be used in various situations such as new product development, version upgrade of existing products, and product lineup development.


Please feel free to contact us for any inquiries!