Bee ecology
Bee ecology

01.Types of honeybeesin Japan
Japanese honey bee An ancient Japanese species. It is said to be difficult for managed beekeeping because it is sensitive to the environment.
European honey bee

Western bees imported in the Meiji period. As managed beekeeping because it is easy to adapt to the environment

It is said to be easy to use. especially honey, royal jelly and propolis

have the ability to produce. Our bees are European honey bees.

02.Division of roles among honeybees [Highly social insects]
queen bee Concentrate on spawning.
male bee

They exist to mate with the queen bee and usually do no work at all.

 working bee 


The work includes cleaning the nest, raising children, making food, transporting food, building the nest, collecting food, guarding the gate, etc.

does all the work of feeding the herd.

03. Bee Dance [How to tell where food is]

circle dance How to communicate when there is a bait field nearby
figure 8 dance

Transmission method when there is a food field in a distant place

04. How to collect food for bees [Visiting various flowers]

flower nectar They store nectar in their stomachs and bring it back to their nests.
 Flower powder 

Pollen is attached to the body while sucking nectar. The pollen on my body is the nectar I sucked

They make pollen balls by moistening them, and stick them in pollen baskets on their hind legs like skewers and bring them back to their nests.

05.Food for bees [processed nectar and pollen]

  ハチミツ    花蜜に蜜胃で酵素を加え、ブドウ糖と果糖に分解しできたハチミツを巣房に保存します。
   花 紛    


royal jelly 若い働き蜂が作る特殊な食料で、女王蜂と幼虫しか食べられません。

06. Temperature regulation of honeybees【Constant temperature inside the hive all year round】

  when it's hot outside   Spray water and use the heat of vaporization to lower the temperature. It blows hot air out by flapping its wings.
 when it's cold outside 

The body is shaken and heats up, and the larvae in the hive become spherical (bee ball) and warm.


07.Beebees [breeding behavior of honeybees]



It refers to the action of leaving the nest with half of the worker bees.

08.Bee attack [The poisonous stinger is a weapon that protects the swarm from foreign enemies]

vibration Thinking that the nest has been attacked by a foreign enemy, it tries to protect it.
 quick hand wash 

It thinks that a foreign enemy has attacked directly, and attacks.

colour If you work in black or red clothes, it will mistake it for the color of its natural enemy and attack it. (Bear, raccoon, etc.)
Needle structure

Because it has a barb like a fish hook, when you stab humans or mammals,

The stinger remains stuck.


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